QUEENLY - traducción al árabe
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QUEENLY - traducción al árabe



مَلَكِيّ ; مُلُوكِيّ

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You use queenly to describe a woman's appearance or behaviour if she looks very dignified or behaves as if she is very important.
She was a queenly, organizing type.
= regal
ADJ: usu ADJ n
Ejemplos de pronunciación para QUEENLY
1. She looked almost queenly, wearing a beneficent smile
The Partner Track _ Helen Wan _ Talks at Google
2. And the queenly character sitting in the middle
The Devil's Financial Dictionary and The Intelligent Investor _ Jason Zweig _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de QUEENLY
1. Happily, as with all BBC spats, the row has now progressed into queenly handbagging, with Huw pointedly marking Andrew‘s slight during Monday‘s News at 10 by introducing him as "Andy Marr", a styling the political editor is known to detest.
2. Elizabeth I steals show at Emmys with nine awards BBC‘s The Girl in the Cafe takes TV movie prize David Ward Tuesday August 2', 2006 The Guardian Dame Helen Mirren abandoned all pretence of queenly dignity when she picked up her Emmy for her title role in Channel 4‘s Elizabeth I.